Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Next 14

So, yesterday I noted that I had 14 birds left to see before hitting 300 for Ohio. Before Saturday, I had composed a list of the 15 birds I thought I had the best chance of seeing in Ohio to make the magic number. These birds included:
  1. Least Flycatcher
  2. Marsh Wren
  3. Cattle Egret
  4. Franklin's Gull
  5. Eurasian Collared Dove
  6. Golden Eagle
  7. Little Gull
  8. Connecticut Warbler
  9. Clay Colored Sparrow
  10. Least Bittern
  11. Chuck-wills-widow
  12. Marbled Godwit
  13. Golden-winged Warbler
  14. Pomarine Jaegar
  15. Upland Sandpiper
Now, obviously Hoary Redpoll wasn't on that list, because it's a very rare bird for Ohio. In fact, none of the original 15 are review list birds, as Hoary Redpoll is. But it just goes to show that you never know what bird is going to be your next state bird. Before last year, I wouldn't have dreamed of seeing a Mississippi Kite in Ohio, but I did.

My new list of the most likely 14 is now:
  1. Least Flycatcher
  2. Marsh Wren
  3. Cattle Egret
  4. Franklin's Gull
  5. Eurasian Collared Dove
  6. Golden Eagle
  7. Little Gull
  8. Connecticut Warbler
  9. Clay Colored Sparrow
  10. Least Bittern
  11. Chuck-wills-widow
  12. Marbled Godwit
  13. Golden-winged Warbler
  14. Pomarine Jaegar
I don't think I will see all these birds this year, but I think I have a shot at 7 or 8 of them. I'm trying for Golden Eagle next weekend at the Wilds. I've dipped on that bird numerous times, but I'm feeling lucky!

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