I went out on what may have been the least well-attended Columbus Avids trip I've ever taken part in on Saturday - 5 people showed up (including me)! We went back up to the Bellevue area in search of more shorebirds. I was also hoping to snag a couple birds for my state list, but alas, I was stymied in that regard - no Eurasian Collared-Doves in Fort Seneca, missed Cattle Egret by a day at one location, and heard about a Marbled Godwit at Ottawa NWR (which happened to have the auto tour cancelled for the day).
Still, I got to study a lot of Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers, and didn't manage to turn any into a Western Sandpiper. I suppose that means I'm getting better at identifying shorebirds, but it sure doesn't feel like it! I did add one bird to my Ohio year list - White-rumped Sandpiper. We also had good looks at some Stilt Sandpipers and juvenile Short-billed Dowitchers. So, not a total bust for the day, and any day birding is pretty much a good day in my book. I'm starting to look forward to the fall warbler migration, which actually should be starting around here - have to start taking the dog on the ravine walks on weekend mornings again...